silver meadows south
FAQs about our community“Who do I call if I see vandalism or suspicious activity in our development?”
Please call the Marion County Sheriff’s Department at 352-732-9111, they have 24/7 access to our gates and will respond. DO NOT call the HOA as they do not have any ability to assist, or any jurisdiction for this.
“What kind of fencing is allowed in Silver Meadows?”
Our C&Rs allow for wooden fences not to exceed six (6) feet in height, or 3 or 4 board black, white or paneltreated board fence with post and rails not to exceed five (5) feet in height. No fence is allowed in front of the house, unless you use the 3/4 board version.
“Can we have a sign in our front yard?”
No signs except one small real estate sign if your property is for sale or for lease.
“Do I need a special mailbox?”
All mailboxes and newspaper receptacles must be enclosed in a wooden, brick, split block or stucco facade to conform to the design and architecture of our subdivision.
“Who do I call if a wild animal is a nuisance?”
Animal Control’s number is 352-671-8700. They will come and remove or relocate the animal.