silver meadows south
Gate Entry Instructions
As of March 20, 2020, the gates to our community were closed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to insure the safety of our residents and also in harmony with our sister communities in Central and North, who have had their gates closed 24/7 for quite some time. As a result, our community was experiencing heavy vendor traffic on our roads as they took the easy way in to access Central and North.
In July, we installed new gate mechanics that allow us to program in 4-digit codes for all homeowners’ personal use between 7 AM and 7 PM 7 days of the week, and for homeowners to use their cell phone numbers (previously it required a landline) to allow entry for friends and vendors through the Call Box. Below are further instructions on using these three different ways to gain access to our community through our gates.
A gate remote (clicker) issued by the HOA. These are available through our Treasurer for $25 each for clickers, payable by check to Silver Meadows Homeowners Association. Please use the form below to request a clicker. Our treasurer will then contact you to make arrangements to exchange payment for your new clicker. This is the most reliable method of entry, as it does not require any cellular service to the gate. Remote Clickers work on all three entrances: South, Central and North.
Utilize the Call Box entry system. The person at the gate may scroll down the directory using the A and Z keys to locate the resident’s name. When the name is located, press the CALL on the keypad and the system will call the resident’s pre-programmed telephone number. When the resident answers, if they choose to grant permission for entry, they PRESS 66 from their phone answering the call, which will open the gates.
NOTE: DO NOT use the # key, it will lower the volume on the call box, which prevents the call box from being able to hear the tone for 66 to open the gate. To raise the volume back up, click *.
Four-digit Personal Access codes issued to each resident. Each resident has a separate 4-digit code assigned to them that can be entered into the keypad on the gate entry system. To use this code, press the # key and then the 4-digit code on the keypad.
Codes are active from 7AM to 7PM, 7 days a week. These codes will not work during the evening and overnight hours. This was done to make our community more secure during the overnight hours, and for further protection if the code is compromised by inadvertent sharing.
Personal Access Codes ONLY WORK ON SOUTH GATES.
Vendors that regularly access the community (USPS, UPS, FedEx, Trash and Emergency Services) already have codes assigned to them. Emergency vehicles may open the gate using their sirens, which is clearly stated on a sign on the call box and which works even when the cellular gate system is down.
If you have any questions, or need to update a code or telephone number, or need a gate clicker, please use the message panel below, or call 352-897-0180 and leave a voice message.